vineri, 23 mai 2014

Following in the footsteps of Roman

Ponte Pietra is a roman bridge, the oldest building in Verona. It is built over the river Adige. Originally built in the first century BCE it was rebuilt in 1298 by Alberto della Scala. 
Along the time due to flooding, and the bombardments during the Second World War, he underwent several repairs. They gave special form today, bending and asymmetric arches, totally different from the original architecture, but with a special charm.

Have a good time with eekend reflections!

7 comentarii:

  1. Love the reflection of the arches in the water.A lovely scene

  2. What an extraordinary bridge ! Very nice piece of architecture indeed !

  3. Beautiful city as well as the bridge... Bella Italia..
    Excellent shot...

  4. Ponte Pietra has quite a history Nicol, I guess anything that has been around for such a long time would. You've captured it beautifully here with it's reflections in the river.


Multumesc pentru vizita si comentariile voastre!