sâmbătă, 1 iulie 2017

Gym in the park

This is my participation for the Theme Day "Motion" on City Daily Photo.
I caught these scenes in a park in the city of Ruse, in Bulgaria.
The more talented girls choose to practice their movements in the park to delight passers-by.

For more pictures, around the world, with "Motion"visit City Daily Photo.

7 comentarii:

  1. Oh, nice! It is a win-win situation for both the girls and the people in the park.

  2. Joyful and certainly very active!

  3. that must have been great to watch. and they chose nice place to practice.

  4. Perfect for the theme Nicol.. imagine being able to throw your body around like that! I don't recall being able to even when I was young 😀😀

  5. these are great, i really like them!

  6. What fun to witness al the swirl and motion of these gymnasts. Good idea

  7. Something I have only seen on TV.
    Great action /motion / theme-day shots.


Multumesc pentru vizita si comentariile voastre!